Sunday, April 15, 2007

April First

In my country, Madagascar, we have a lot of traditions. People always try to respect most of them. Indeed some of theme disappear little by little due to the society change while some still exist. One of the traditions that still exist even it is not very popular is "April first."
The April first is one of the traditions that we call "feast of lying". I do not know the story of it, but I know that it exist. On April first, lying is permitted. People lie to one another. It is good to notice that it is kind of tricks. Children like it so much. On April first for example a child from a family goes to another family and tell the family's mother that his or her mother needs to talk to her as soon as possible. At that time she does not realize that it is April first. When she comes to the child's mother, she says " I come because you need to talk to me, right." The mother's child answer : " Who tell you that, I do not say that". The family's mother insists telling : " Your child came to me and told that you need to talk to me right now that is why I come." The child who is not too far but try to listen to the conversation, starts laughing, and saying : "Today is April first". Everybody laughs. Then they recongnize that today is "feast of lying." That is only one exapmle but there are many cases.
On April first, people should pay attention in what someone tells. I can not generalize but some people enjoy joking in Madagascar.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Monday of Easter

People know that Easter is a christian holiday. Catholic church calls tridium the tree days of celebration: holy thursday, good friday and holy saturaday, and then the sunday of Easter. In Madagascar, furthermore, people celebrate the monday of Easter as a very big holiday.
On monday of Easter, in Madagascar, every offices are closed such as bank, schools...It is a holiday for everybody, christian, no christian... People go out for picnic. Some organize picnic with friends, some with family, some with relatives, some with coworkers, some with groups...People enjoy this holiday. The most important thing is going out and eat there. For the people who do not like to go, just take a little walk around after noon in the same place that most of people go because some people organize sports or another activities after eating.
However, the weakness of this holiday is the gap diferent between people who have something to bring and the poor. For example, the middle classes drive, bring good food and drink while the poor walk and bring just the rice and meat. When they come to the place, always the same level gather together while the poor separete themeselves. The majority of the people are in the same level, I mean poor, so the separation is not a big deal.
Monday of Easter is one of the biggest holiday in Madagascar. It is a traditional christian holiday but become popular. Children and youth like it so much.

Monday, April 2, 2007

The More I Make Money....

Many people think that when you have a lot of money you will be happy. That is money makes people happy. That is why maybe people leave their countries to find jobs so that meney comes. However, when I listened to a music yesterday, I heard what the artist sings that the more he makes maney the more he is in trouble. Why and how? That is my question.
Hopefully, everybody has his own enswer on this question. Some maybe say that that is wrong, the others can think that that is true but with different responses.
The first response I can say is that that means happiness does not depend necessary on money. It is just an instrument that I can use to enjoy my life and to assure my life.
My second thought is the way I receive and keep it. When I got a little today, I want to get more tomorrow, and when I get more and more I do not live in peace. I always think about my money, how to make it in progress, how to kee it safely, and how and when I am going to use it.
Finally and the last one is I maybe worried about the thiefs, robbers or gangs. Wherever I go, I should take care on myself. All the time I should protect my life against enemies because money makes enemies.
That is my thought. That does not means that I do not need money. Just I interpret what the artist sings. You too, you can give you interpretation.