Sunday, April 15, 2007

April First

In my country, Madagascar, we have a lot of traditions. People always try to respect most of them. Indeed some of theme disappear little by little due to the society change while some still exist. One of the traditions that still exist even it is not very popular is "April first."
The April first is one of the traditions that we call "feast of lying". I do not know the story of it, but I know that it exist. On April first, lying is permitted. People lie to one another. It is good to notice that it is kind of tricks. Children like it so much. On April first for example a child from a family goes to another family and tell the family's mother that his or her mother needs to talk to her as soon as possible. At that time she does not realize that it is April first. When she comes to the child's mother, she says " I come because you need to talk to me, right." The mother's child answer : " Who tell you that, I do not say that". The family's mother insists telling : " Your child came to me and told that you need to talk to me right now that is why I come." The child who is not too far but try to listen to the conversation, starts laughing, and saying : "Today is April first". Everybody laughs. Then they recongnize that today is "feast of lying." That is only one exapmle but there are many cases.
On April first, people should pay attention in what someone tells. I can not generalize but some people enjoy joking in Madagascar.

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